It's true! Right in your very own home, you have the power to reduce the energy you use each month. Simply turning down the thermostat is not enough. It only reduces your saves pennies on your utility bills! Lets talk about long-term savings tips! This month we are going to focus on INSULATION!
Adding insulation to your attic utilizing our Owens Corning AttiCat Expanding Blown-In PINK Fiberglas Insulation System is a must!
Fiberglas™ Insulation works on the principle of trapped air pockets. Millions of tiny air pockets form between the tangled strands of the Fiberglas™ Insulation. These air pockets resist the passage of heat fl ow through the material, reducing heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer. Generally, the thicker the insulation, the more air pockets and the higher the R-value.
R-VALUE DEFINED: The insulation performance of all insulation products is measured by a common standard: the R-value. R-value measures resistance to heat fl ow; the higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power. R-value is usually determined by the thickness of the insulation. With our Owens Corning AttiCat® Blown-In Insulation System, you can blow-in insulation as thick as you want to achieve any desired R-value!
Fiber Glass – loose fill fiber glass experiences less than 2% settling and delivers the R-value stated on its package for the life of the home.
Cellulose – can experience up to 25% settling, losing 15 to 25 percent of its R-value. Installers
must apply at the “inital installed thickness” listed on the bag to get the desired R-value.
Owens Corning Pink Insulation has the Highest Certified Recycled Content! Scientific Certification systems provides independent verification of recycled content in building materials and verifies recycled content claims made by manufacturers. At 35%, Owens Corning PINK FIBERGLAS™ Insulation has the highest certified recycled glass content in the industry
Owens Corning Pink Insulation IS GREENGUARD Certified! The GREENGUARD Environmental Institute is one of the most recognized and highly regarded third-party product certifications for testing VOC emissions. In addition to GREENGUARD certification, Owens Corning PINK FIBERGLAS™ Insulation obtained the more exacting GREENGUARD Children & Schools.
(For a list of specific Owens Corning products with certification visit:
Even more the fact there’s a very good chance your home is not as well insulated as it should be or you think it is. What most do not want to own up to is the fact that not having enough insulation can result in major energy loss, lost money and lots of uncomfortableness. On a side note, your home unfortunately is constantly leaking energy – especially through the attic.
As a matter of fact, there are over 80 million homes in the United States alone that do not have enough insulation in their homes right now. Adding Atticat insulation can help keep better control your home's energy bills while helping the environment too!
Remember - Owens Corning's AttiCat Insulation is a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) approved product.
Home energy costs are always on the rise and if you want to protect your home against these rising expenses insulation is a smart decision for any home. A well-insulated home will significantly reduce the cost of utility bills throughout the entire year from winter to spring and summer to fall. Father and Son Building and Remodeling wants to help you save money this year. That’s why we are suggesting for you to consider us and install the Owens Corning AttiCat insulation.
AttiCat Expanding Blown-in Insulation System Is One of the Fastest and MOST Affordable Ways to Save on Energy Costs TODAY.
Visit our website to learn more or call Father and Son Building and Remodeling at 419-471-1191 for an estimate today!
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on our Houzz page!
Father and Son Building and Remodeling is passionate when it comes to our customers. We take the time to understand our customer's needs, lifestyles, and personal tastes so we may deliver a home remodeling project you will cherish for a lifetime and beyond.
Plus, we are an Owens Corning Preferred Contractors, A+ BBB Members, and PRO (Professional Remodel Organization - formerly THRA Toledo Home Remodelers Association) Members.
Want more information? Visit us online at or Call us at (419) 471-0101 for a FREE Estimate today for your next home remodeling project!
Remodeling your home can be fun and exciting no matter the need or the time of year you start a project of this type! However, it can quickly become not so fun if you do not hire a professional remodeler with experience and a qualified, trained installers.
Cost can sometimes drive a decision when it comes time to deciding on which remodeling bid to accept to complete your home project, but we cannot stress enough that in remodeling price is only the starting point.
Let us explain further...
Start by Asking Questions
If you want to choose the right contractor, you must ask the right questions. The way you learn about a company is to ask specific questions and listen carefully to the answers.
Ask questions like:
- Do you carry general liability insurance?
- Do you carry workers’ compensation insurance?
- Will you provide me with written lien waivers? (A lien waiver is a form of receipt for payment of services and materials. It ensures you that sub-contractors and suppliers have been paid, and that no liens will be placed on your property)
- Are you a member of the Professional Remodeling Organization (PRO) or BBB?
- Will you acquire all the required building permits?
- What percentage of your business is repeat or referral business?
- How many projects like mine have you completed in the last year?
- How do you handle changes in the scope of work?
- Are you licensed by the Contractors State License Board?
- Does your work come with a warranty?
Next ALWAYS Check References
This step is perhaps the most important. You should get several references from a contractor — usually previous customers for the last six months to one year. A reputable, well-established contractor should welcome this request. Once you get the references, call them. Ask if the job was done on time and at the agreed upon price and if the contractor was easy to reach and easy to deal with. Most people will be very frank and honest. This is the best way to determine the type of remodeler you're dealing with.
THEN Get Everything in Writing
Be skeptical of verbal quotes, prices or sketches penned on the back of a business card or envelope.
YES - Evaluate the Appearance
Once you meet the contractor, make sure they have a neat, clean and professional appearance. This may sound silly, but it's not. A coat and tie isn't necessary, but neatness does count in this business. During construction your home should be kept as neat and tidy as possible. Make sure their vehicle is clean, they are clean and that their shoes aren’t caked with mud.
And, Finally Look for Communication Skills
When discussing your project with a contractor make sure that you can communicate well with each other. You're going to be involved in an important project together. You should feel that your contractor listens to your needs and ideas, answers your questions and is accessible. This avoids miscommunication and costly errors.
At Father and Son Building and Remodeling we pride ourselves on our A+ BBB Rating and our membership with the Professional Remodelers Organization. But more importantly, we believe our hundreds of home owners across Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan is our real badge of honor!
Visit our website at to see photos of our projects and learn more about what we do and how we can see you through your next home remodeling project!